We're a team of qualified nutrition and dietetic professionals who share science-based information on sugars, so that everyone can understand its role in nutrition.

We aim to provide an evidence-based and factual perspective on the role that sugars play in nutrition and health. We are committed to providing information from the most credible and up-to-date sources. 

Across our website, newsletter, articles, fact sheets and other resources, we provide a portfolio of scientific evidence on sugar and nutrition, the context on newly published research, discussion on items you might see in the news, and also what's new in health and regulatory policy, relevant to sugar and nutrition.

We receive advice from a group of expert scientists in human nutrition, dietetics and food science. They review and guide us on the content of our newsletter, news and articles. They are reimbuirsed by Sugar Australia and New Zealand Sugar for their time, if they wish. 

The Sugar Nutrition Resource Centre, originally the Sugar Research Advisory Service, is funded by Sugar Australia and New Zealand Sugar. It is managed by a team including Accredited Practising Dietitians and Registered Nutritionists. 

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North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia

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