New technology to develop a low GI sugar

New technology to develop a low GI sugar

A scientific innovation to create healthier sugar has been recognised by the United Nations.

The Nutrition Innovation company based in Singapore founded by Australian Dr David Kannar has been identified as one of the best small to medium enterprises from across the Asia Pacific in receiving a Good Food For All Award at the United Nations Food Summit.

Nutrition Innovation has developed a new milling process that yields sugar with a lower GI than regular white sugar. Low GI sugar retains more antioxidants and slows down digestion, absorption and glycemic impact. As well as being used in Australasia, the process is also being used in Africa, Asia, Malaysia, India, and South America where sales growth has been strong.

The Good Food For All awards are part of the United Nations small business agenda, which acknowledges small to medium enterprises (SMEs) make up at least half the food system and therefore fundamental in efforts to transform the ways we produce and consume food.

You can watch the Nutrition Innovation story video at the Food Systems Summit Community here.


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