New Zealand Health Survey key results

The New Zealand Ministry of Health has released key findings from the 2021-22 Health Survey . The snapshot below shows vegetable and fruit intake is significantly below recommendations, hazardous alcohol intake remains high, physical activity levels are insufficient, and only two-thirds of people brush their teeth as recommended.

  • Only 10.4% of adults met the vegetable intake recommendation (5 to 5.5 servings).
  • Half of adults (49.8%) met the fruit intake recommendation (2+ servings per day).
  • 6.4% of children (2–14 years) met the vegetable intake recommendation (2.5 to 5.5 servings).      
  • 73.9% of children (2–14 years) met the fruit intake recommendation (1 to 2 servings). 
  • 18.8% of adults had a hazardous drinking pattern - Maori (33.2%) and Pacific (21.7%) peoples had higher rates - and this has remained stable since 2015/16. 
  • Just over half of adults (51.9%) met physical activity guidelines; 12.8% did little or no physical activity.
  • 63.7% of children (1-14yrs) and 68.7% adults brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice each day, and rates were lower (57.5% adults) in deprived neighbourhoods.     

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