New Zealand healthy lifestyle resource hub
A one-stop shop for resources to promote healthy eating, physical activity and sleep in New Zealand.
If you work in health and wellbeing in New Zealand, the Nutrition and Physical Activity Hub is a helpful online resource. The site is managed by the NZ te hiringa hauora/Health Promotion Agency and contains resources on nutrition, physical activity and sleep.
Current resources on the home page include the HPA nutrition and physical activity toolkit, eating and activity guidelines, green prescription for active families (GRx), guide to workplace wellbeing, alcohol guidelines, talking about obesity in childhood, and active play guidelines for under-fives. There is also a handy What’s new tile that currently features Play Week Aotearoa tools and resources and a new poster, Water is the best choice.
Among the Behind the hype information sheets is one on sugar (updated in 2020) that explains the health concerns linked to eating too much sugar, the difference between intrinsic and added sugars and recommendations for a healthy diet.
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