The Healthy Food Partnership, Australia

The Healthy Food Partnership (HFP) is a collaborative program that allows the public health sector and the food industry to work together to tackle health issues such as obesity and encourage healthy eating by improving the food supply.

The Executive Committee includes a number of health organisations including the Dietitians Association of Australia, Heart Foundation and Public Health Association as well as food industry representatives including Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, the Quick Service Restaurant Forum, Meat and Livestock Australia and the Restaurant and Catering Industry Organisation of Australia.

The Committee is chaired by the Commonwealth Minister responsible for food policy Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck and has representatives from the Department of Health and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). The Committee met in February to consider recommendations from two key working groups looking at reformulation and portion sizes. The communique from this meeting contained the following:

  • Endorsement of the first wave of reformulation targets that will help reduce population level consumption of sodium and saturated fat. Read the Reformulation Rationale Paper that includes the draft targets here.
  • An update on the work to implement consistent portion size terminology and an Industry Best Practice Guide for Serving Sizes that aim to better align portion sizes to those used in the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
  • Discussion about the potential of Australia’s food culture as a means of improving health.

You can find out more about the HFP here.


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